Monday 19 October 2009

'Allo 'allo

So, I realise that even though this blog was created months ago, this is the first post I have managed to write. Issues such as returning to uni and preparing my new little cottage have prevented me from getting the the ball rolling - but I'm here and finally able to make a start.

I hope to blog anything I write on my journalism course with regards to fashion and any extras such as reviews, my photography (which I regularly dabble in) and thoughts I want to share about trends and fashion news.

Photo courtesy  of  

I have a busy week preparing some stories concerning student issues, but I'm most looking forward to covering a local fashion show that's occurring this weekend in Falmouth. Having already participated as a model in Falmouth's Graduate Fashion show, I was expecting a high octane type show with original pieces striding the catwalk to punchy electronica tunes. But the show is actually put together by the town's local fashion stores, who will be showcasing this season's designs. 
Still this is great for the community and even better for money-tied students to see what they can get their hands on locally.

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