Tuesday 20 October 2009

what's in the pipelines

This weekend is going to be a busy one for me.

I will not only be attending the Falmouth Fashion Show, which I detail below. But I will also be exploring the monthly vintage flea market.

Now I have been to this before, last January in fact on my birthday. My friends and I decided to see what all the fuss was about. Reactions between us were mixed. I, being a lover of all things vintage thought that we had wondered into an Aladdin's cave of treasures. For sale ranged victorian lace petticoats and 80s knits, to authentic vinyls and Wedgwood china tea sets. It was like a hyper car boot sale, only held in a village hall. I fell in love with it because it was the closest thing I had to London's Beyond Retro boutiques. 

My friends were less impressed. It seems they thought it was all a bit over crowded and overly retro. However, Rosie was the only one of us to buy something - a dusty, pink satin and lace bolero.

Anyway, I shall go again. This time armed with a camera and plenty of cash. I think half the problem was that we arrived late last time and didn't leave ourselves enough time to rummage. And, like I have always said, shopping is done best alone.

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